Story of my life


"Anyway, the latest issue of In Touch Weekly has an in-depth story, told from Tony Almeida - Lindsay Lohan's former bodyguard, that is pretty sad.  According to Tony, Lindsay was pretty much allowed to do what she wanted from an early age.  At 15, she was sharing hotel rooms with her boyfriend.  At her 16th birthday party, she had a full bar and got drunk.

Later on, she turned to drugs.  Tony allegedly walked in on Lindsay and a friend, sniffing white powder from her fingers.

More sadly, however, Tony claims that Lindsay turns to self-abuse when she is angry or hurt.  She claws and cuts at her arms, leaving behind marks.

And where were Lindsay's parents through all of this?

Dina Lohan was too busy partying.  Michael Lohan was drunk most of the time himself.  So Lindsay had free reign to do whatever she wanted.

And apparently, what she wanted to do was drink, do drugs, and party..."

Vi skulle kunna vara syskon. Förutom att mina föräldrar inte är alkholister, dom bryr sig bara inte, eller så arbetar dom och har inte tid med mig.


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